Gadget Lab Podcast: The Death of Kin and Other Wireless Drama
* By Brian X. Chen Email Author
* July 2, 2010 |
* 3:32 pm |
* Categories: Gadget Lab Podcasts
In this episode of the Gadget Lab video podcast, the usual nerds talk about all things mobile. First, they mourn over the death of the Kin while reflecting on what Microsoft did wrong. They also talk about what Apple apparently did wrong with the iPhone 4 antenna, which loses signal when held the “wrong” way.
Elsewhere in the mobile world, Intel says it’s hoping to ship its first mobile chips in phones starting next year. We’ll see if that ever happens — and if their efforts will even matter by then. On the other hand, something we’ve wanted on mobiles devices for a long time has finally arrived: Hulu. Unfortunately it comes at a price.
You can also get the Gadget Lab video podcast via iTunes, or if you don’t want to be distracted by our mugs, check out the Gadget Lab audio podcast. Prefer RSS? You can subscribe to the Gadget Lab video or audio podcast feeds.
See Also:
* Gadget Lab Podcast: Droid X, iPhone 4, Android 2.2
* Gadget Lab Podcast Returns: E3 Gadgets, Dolby 7.1 and More …
Tags: antennas, iphone 4, Kin, Microsoft, Phones, podcasts, videos
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Motorola Droid Rules Android
* By Priya Ganapati Email Author
* July 2, 2010 |
* 2:07 pm |
* Categories: Phones
Motorola’s Droid is the most popular phone among Android users, followed by HTC Hero, while Google’s Nexus One ranks tenth on the list, according to a monthly metrics report from mobile advertising firm AdMob. AdMob has ranked the top ten Android smartphones by market share.
The data is based on 12.7 million Android phones in the AdMob network in May. It’s also why the HTC Evo, released in the first week of June, is missing from the mix.
About 21 percent Android users have the Droid, while 16 percent users own the HTC Hero. Just 2 percent of Android phone users have Google’s Nexus One phone, says AdMob.
Motorola launched the Droid in November 2009 and made it available exclusively on Verizon Wireless. And despite the gaggle of Android phones launched every month, the Droid has been holding strong.
The only Android phone that could challenge the Droid’s position is the HTC Evo, which is available exclusively on Sprint. It will be interesting to see if the Evo can beat the Droid, though Sprint has a smaller marketing budget and fewer subscribers than Verizon.
Here’s a chart that shows the popularity of different Android smarpthones.
About 67 percent of Android users are in North America while China is the second largest market for Android with 13 percent of Android users coming from the country, says AdMob.
Combined HTC and Motorola have 83 percent share among Android devices. Since the Android OS debuted in 2008, the two companies have been on a roll, churning out phones faster than consumers can keep up with.
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Tags: AdMob, android, Droid, Evo, Hero, HTC, market, motorola, Nexus One, popularity, sales, share
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Rumor Repeat: Apple TV to Gain iOS-Based Overhaul
* By Brian X. Chen Email Author
* July 2, 2010 |
* 1:52 pm |
* Categories: Media Players
The Apple TV might receive a software overhaul based on the iOS operating system powering the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, sources have told The New York Times.
While anonymous sources claimed the company was planning a software upgrade for the set-top box, they noted that it was unclear whether Apple would introduce new hardware as well. NY Times writer Nick Bilton also said he’d heard that Apple’s newest hires included people with a background in television.
Some of these claims come in line with a recent rumor published by Engadget, which said Apple was planning to introduce a $100 Apple TV running iOS. The blog claimed the hardware would be redone as well — a minimal gadget described as an “iPhone without a screen,” containing only two ports: a power socket and a video-out.
In earnings calls, Apple executives have repeatedly called Apple TV a “hobby,” implying it has not been a breakthrough hit like the iPhone or iPod. Video entertainment has been a tough nut for Apple to crack, as the set-top box market is packed with competitors offering a multitude of ways to watch video. In addition, cable companies subsidize set-top boxes that include a DVR for recording programs.
An iOS-based Apple TV sounds feasible, though it remains a question as to how exactly such a device would work, since the interface is controlled by multitouch gestures. We would be surprised if Apple didn’t somehow incorporate its iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as a controller. For gaming, the iPhone 4 is especially powerful as it contains a gyrosocope, making it even better than Nintendo’s Wiimote. However, it would seem strange if Apple sold an Apple TV that required a pricey iOS device as a controller.
Apple declined to comment on this story.
See Also:
* Apple TV Prototype Sells on eBay for 46 Bucks
* 5 Reasons Why Apple TV Rules, 5 Reasons Why it Sucks
* Why Apple TV Must Evolve to Avoid Extinction
* What We Want in an Apple TV
Image of a current Apple TV menu: Apple
Tags: Apple, Apple TV, rumors, video
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